Brandenburgische Genealogische Gesellschaft “Roter Adler” e. V. (BGG) About: This basic program offers the Brandenburg Genealogical Society “Red Eagle” (BGG) an orientation framework for the association’s work. It gives everyone interested in family...
Arbeitskreis Familienforschung Dithmarschen im Verein für Dithmarscher Landeskunde e.V. About: Our association not only deals with regional history, but also promotes regional studies and is dedicated to landscape conservation. Current cultural, ecological and...
Arbeitsgemeinschaft fĂĽr Saarländische Familienkunde (ASF) About: The Working Group for Saarland Family Customers eV – ASF – has existed since 1966 and currently has over 400 members and exchange partners. According to the statutes, it has set itself the...
Ahnenforscher Stammtisch Unna About: Although they have the city name “Unna” in our name, they do not deal with Unna local research, but they are a meeting point for genealogists – beginners and advanced – from all over the world, whose...