German-Texan annual conference

*This is a partner event. This years' annual conference will be held at Beethovens' Maennerchor in San Antonio and will address German Texans' impact on the arts and cultural landscape of Texas. Register. Central Time Zone | in-person | English

Translating German Newspapers – As Easy as Eins, Zwei, Drei

Many 19th- and early 20th-century German language newspapers were printed in a Fraktur font. And not only that, they were written in a foreign language! This combination of an archaic font and a foreign language creates two significant hurdles for the 21st century genealogist, perhaps with limited foreign language skills, to overcome. But don’t despair. […]

Luther, Napoleon and the Kaiser – German History for Genealogists

Why is what happened in Augsburg on September 25, 1555, one of the most important historical events in German history and of utmost importance to researchers? And why do we need to know about the French emperor Napoleon? Why does it make such a big difference if a birth took place in 1874 or 1876? […]

Familienforschung digital mit der FamilySearch-Datenbank

Entdecke bei unserem Online-Seminar "Digitale Transformation und zukunftsweisende Familienforschung" völlig neue Möglichkeiten, die Geschichte Deiner Vorfahren digital zu erforschen oder einen Stammbaum zu erstellen. Wir stellen die Online-Datenbank FamilySearch vor und zeigen Dir, wie dort Tradition und Technologie zusammenspielen. Referent ist Thomas Hengst von FamilySeach. Hier geht es zur Anmeldung. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter […]

WikiTree – eine kurze EinfĂĽhrung

*This is a partner event. Sommerakademie 2024. Vortragende: Anke Michels. Bitte hier anmelden. Eine wöchentliche Reihe von Programmen. Auf den kurzen Vortrag folgt eine Diskussion. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und nicht an eine Mitgliedschaft bei Familia Austria gebunden. Alle Forscher, unabhängig von einer Mitgliedschaft bei Familia Austria, sind eingeladen teilzunehmen. Central Europe time zone | […]

From Russia with German: Migration Experiences across Three Continents

The symposium will explore the migration history and the experiences of Russian Germans in the Americas, their evolving traditions, and identities, as well as their and their descendants’ attitudes toward their two ancestral homelands. Topics include: Russian Germans in the global context past and present; material culture, with a focus on textiles and vernacular architecture; […]

From Russia with German: Migration Experiences across Three Continents

The symposium will explore the migration history and the experiences of Russian Germans in the Americas, their evolving traditions, and identities, as well as their and their descendants’ attitudes toward their two ancestral homelands. Topics include: Russian Germans in the global context past and present; material culture, with a focus on textiles and vernacular architecture; […]

German Research Strategies

Indiana Chapter | Palatines to America fall meeting presents Ursula Krause on two topics. Download flyer for details. Off to America, learn about German records by following the life of the German dairy farmer Friedrich Stange who came to America in 1855. The Godparent Thing, your German ancestors constantly moved, and you lost them on […]

Researching Records of the Moravian Archives Southern Province, Winston-Salem, NC

*This is a partner event. Presenters will discuss records available at Archives; resources available on-line; accessing copies of records via mail; early records available in Germany via email; copy service; translation service and more. Types of records include church records of births, baptisms, marriages, deaths, funerals, confirmations and communions. Also, diaries of ministers and missionaries, […]

The Grand Duchy of Oldenburg: History, Migration and Research

*This is a partner event. The Grand Duchy of Oldenburg was a territory established by the Congress of Vienna in 1815, comprising the Duchy of Oldenburg, the Principality of LĂĽbeck, and the Principality of Birkenfeld. The Grand Duchy was a member of the German Confederation. In the German War of 1866, it stood on the […]

Personensuche mit Hilfe von Google

*This is a partner event. Sommerakademie 2024. Vortragende: Angelika Schmalbach. Bitte hier anmelden. Eine wöchentliche Reihe von Programmen. Auf den kurzen Vortrag folgt eine Diskussion. Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos und nicht an eine Mitgliedschaft bei Familia Austria gebunden. Alle Forscher, unabhängig von einer Mitgliedschaft bei Familia Austria, sind eingeladen teilzunehmen. Central Europe time zone | […]