The Last Ships from Hamburg

Bestselling historian Steven Ujifusa tells the largely forgotten but colorful story of three remarkable businessmen who, driven by very different motives, helped facilitate the mass immigration of Jews from Eastern Europe at the turn of the 20th century — forever altering the fate of millions. The book follows Jacob Schiff, the influential banker who used […]

Roland-Online-Werkstatt fĂĽr Familienforschung

Online-Ahnenforschertreff: Tipps und Hilfen rund um das faszinierende Hobby der Suche nach den Vorfahren - Ahnenforschung gemeinsam erleben! Teilnahmemöglichkeit. Central Europe time zone | online | German

First Germans in America

In the 1600s, a ship full of families escaping religious persecution headed to the shores of the New World and began a great migration.  If you think these are the Pilgrims, think again!  These were Germans who fled to Pennsylvania on the Concord. A watershed moment in history that has been long forgotten, until now. […]

Using OrtsfamilienbĂĽcher to Research Your German Ancestors

*This is a partner event. Presenter: Robin McDonough. OrtsfamilienbĂĽcher contain genealogical information about families within a specific town, village or parish, sometimes going back to the beginning of written records. Learn about the Emerson History and Genealogy Center’s large collection (almost 20,000!) of these books and how to use them. Register. Eastern time zone | […]

The German Texas Frontier In 1853

*This is a partner event. Dr. Christopher Wickham and Dr. Daniel Gelo will discuss their new book The German Texas Frontier in 1853.  It examines the efforts of Ferdinand Lindheimer, the “Father of Texas Botany,” to help his fellow immigrants adapt to the physical and social environments of Antebellum Texas through his editorship of the […]

Midwives in Posen, Prussia in the early 1800s

*This is a partner event. Presenter: Philip Mann. My 3xgreat grandmother, Rosine Dorothea Schlinke (nee Janotte) practiced as a midwife in the district of Cicha GĂłra, Posen/Poznan. She passed her midwifery exam in 1820 and resided in Cicha GĂłra, area Buk, 1820–1841. In this presentation, I shall draw heavily on an article in Polish, which sets […]

Finding your Family in Hesse

This is a partner event. Barbara Pieh leads the next program in GGS' 2025 series about "German Genealogy Journeys: Insights from Different Regions." Register. Central time zone | online | English

Finding The Maiden Name of Female Ancestors

*This is a partner event. Presenter: Carol Swinehart. To register, email with the Subject Ohio PALAM GFS. Eastern time zone | online | English


*This is a partner event. Information und Inspiration für alle Interessierten! Tipps und Hilfen rund um alle Themen zur DNA-Genealogie. Einladung mit Teilnahmemöglichkeit. Central Europe time zone | online | German

Ahnenforschung in den USA: Die US-Volkszählung

*This is a partner event. Vortragende: Barbara STANCULESCU (San Diego Genealogical Society’s German Interest Group). Bitte hier anmelden. Central European time zone | online | German