Uniting German Genealogy Researchers

The International German Genealogy Partnership.

Our Mission

The International German Genealogy Partnership’s mission is to facilitate German genealogy research globally as the internationally recognized federation of German genealogy organizations.

Ziel der International German Genealogy Partnership ist es, die deutsche genealogische Forschung weltweit als international anerkannter Verband deutscher genealogischer Organisationen zu ermöglichen.

Meet our Partners

Uniting German Genealogy Researchers Worldwide

Jefferson Genealogical Society

Jefferson Genealogical SocietyAbout: A world of information at your fingertips!Contact Information: Website:  www.jeffersonparishgenealogy.org/Facebook:  www.facebook.com/groups/184111758759064/ Mailing Address: Jefferson Parish Library, Old Metairie Branch 2350...

Pommerscher Verein Central Wisconsin

Pommerscher Verein Central WisconsinAbout: The Pommerscher Verein Central Wisconsin exists to preserve the language and heritage of its member's ancestors who immigrated primarily from the Prussian Provinces of Pomerania, West and East Prussia, and Posen as well as...

Familia Austria Ă–sterreichische Gesellschaft fĂĽr Genealogie und Geschichte

Familia Austria, Österreichische Gesellschaft für Genealogie und Geschh3ichteAbout: The FAMILIA AUSTRIA founded in December 2008 is a voluntary workers association, which has set itself the goal of promoting the ancestors and family research in the area of the...

Verein für Pfälzisch-Rheinische Familienkunde e. V.

Verein für Pfälzisch-Rheinische Familienkunde e. V.About: In 1925, the first 10 family researchers interested in the history of the people in the Palatinate came together. Today, the society has almost 600 domestic and foreign members and more than 80 exchange...

Arbeitskreis Familienforschung Dithmarschen im Verein fĂĽr Dithmarscher Landeskunde e.V.

Arbeitskreis Familienforschung Dithmarschen im Verein für Dithmarscher Landeskunde e.V.About: Our association not only deals with regional history, but also promotes regional studies and is dedicated to landscape conservation. Current cultural, ecological and economic...

Foundation For East European Family History Studies (FEEFHS)

FEEFHS - Foundation for East European Family History StudiesAbout: FEEFHS was organized in 1992 as The Federation of East European Family History Societies, an international organization to promote genealogical research in Eastern and Central Europe without any...


JewishGenAbout: JewishGen serves as the global home for Jewish genealogy. Featuring unparalleled access to millions of records, it offers unique search tools, along with opportunities for researchers to connect with others who share similar interests. Award-winning...

St. Louis Genealogical Society-German Special Interest Group

St. Louis Genealogical Society - German Special Interest GroupAbout: The St. Louis Genealogical Society (StLGS) is a not-for-profit, all volunteer organization with members in almost every state and several foreign countries. Begun in 1968, it is now the largest local...

Germans in St. Louis

Germans in St. LouisAbout: St. Louis is called the “Gateway to the West” and is home to two big rivers, breweries, baseball fans and lots of Germans! In the early 1800s, German immigration began as a trickle into Missouri and the St. Louis area and then, like the...

Gottscheer Heritage and Genealogy Association

Gottscheer Heritage and Genealogy AssociationAbout: GHGA was founded in June 1992 by a group of seventeen subscribers to the newsletter, The Gottschee Tree, when they met in Salt Lake City, Utah for a Gottscheer Western Regional Reunion. In 1993 GHGA was incorporated...

Our Vision

We seek partner relationships with and support societies whose purpose includes a major focus on German genealogy research.

Wir suchen Partnerbeziehungen mit genealogischen Organisationen und unterstĂĽtzen Organisationen, die
einen Schwerpunkt auf die deutsche genealogische Forschung legen.

We seek relationships with and support affiliate organizations whose purpose coincides with the goals of our societies.

Wir suchen Beziehungen zu Partnerorganisationen und unterstĂĽtzen Partnerorganisationen, deren Zweck mit den Zielen unserer Organisationen ĂĽbereinstimmt.

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We sponsor, support, and encourage German genealogy research conferences, meetings, and publications in Germany and throughout the world.

Wir sponsern, unterstützen und fördern deutsche Ahnenforschungskonferenzen, Tagungen und Publikationen in Deutschland und weltweit.

We foster and nurture personal connections between fellow researchers as well as local and international connections for friends and colleagues who desire to advance the genealogy research interests of the worldwide community of German genealogists.

Wir fördern und pflegen persönliche Kontakte zwischen Forscherkollegen sowie lokale und internationale Verbindungen für Freunde und Kollegen, die die Genealogie-Forschungsinteressen der weltweiten Gemeinschaft deutscher Genealogen voranbringen wollen.

Our History

The creation of the International German Genealogy Partnership grew from a desire to make a connection between societies in the United States and German-speaking areas. A few conversations in 2014 brought about the current partnership that includes more than 100 organizations with thousands of members.

Die Gründung der International German Genealogy Partnership entstand aus dem Wunsch heraus, eine Verbindung zwischen genealogischen Organisationen in den Vereinigten Staaten und solchen in deutschsprachigen Gebieten herzustellen. Ein paar Gespräche im Jahr 2014 führten zu der aktuellen Partnerschaft, die über 100 Organisationen und Tausende von Mitgliedern umfasst.