IGGP calendar
The events listed here primarily are presented by our partner organizations. Those events are marked with an *.
We gladly list non-partner events related to German genealogy, culture and history.
Click the event to view a full description. Events may be in-person, online or both. Check the time zone for the correct start time.
To have your event listed:
- Email information for listing to info@iggp.org
- Include date, time, time zone, type (in-person, online or both), description and registration link
- Images are welcome
Researching Baden-WĂĽrttemberg Ancestors
This is a partner event. Ann Broihier will look at resources for information about our Baden-WĂĽrttemberg ancestors. The discussion will include various types of records and how to access them. […]
19th Century German History and Culture: Overseas Emigration
The 19th century was a time of extraordinary transformation. Rapid political, social, and technological change reshaped the German landscape and altered everyday life. Every ordinary German experienced the impact of […]
Researching Germans from Poland: One Family’s Experience
Speaker Karla Huebner, has done extensive research in records from Poland and Prussia. Karla's presentation will use what her family has learned in order to present resources and search methods […]
First Germans in America
In the 1600s, a ship full of families escaping religious persecution headed to the shores of the New World and began a great migration. If you think these are the […]
The German Texas Frontier in 1853
*This is a partner event. Dr. Christopher Wickham and Dr. Daniel Gelo will discuss their new book, The German Texas Frontier in 1853, which examines the efforts of Ferdinand Lindheimer. […]
Engagements, Weddings, marriage contracts and divorces in 19th century Germany
Speaker: Andrea Bentschneider. Explore 19th-century German engagement, marriage and divorce traditions, historical social norms and legal regulations, including economic motives, marriage contracts, remarriage, and strict divorce processes. This presentation will […]
Subjects, Citizens, and Serfs: Unpacking Germany’s Historical Social Order
Speaker: Andrea Bentschneider. Gain an understanding of the different social statuses in historical Germany. Learn about the living conditions of the different classes in Germany. Until the foundation of the […]
Colorado Chapter of Palatines to America Spring Seminar
*This is a partner event. Save the Date! The Colorado Chapter of Palatines to America is pleased to announce that Ute Brandenburg has accepted an invitation to be the speaker […]
German Immigration to Wisconsin
Speaker: Antje Petty. More than 40% of Wisconsinites claim "German" as their primary ancestry. Most of their ancestors came from German-speaking lands in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This […]
Techniques to Find Unindexed Records
*This is a partner event. MAGS spring conference workshop featuring Kenneth W. Heger, PhD. We all know not all records are indexed; consequently, developing skills to find those records is […]