Ahnenforscher Stammtisch Unna

Although they have the city name “Unna” in our name, they do not deal with Unna local research, but they are a meeting point for genealogists – beginners and advanced – from all over the world, whose ancestors came from Germany and the former German eastern areas.
They are all passionate amateur genealogists who meet online to support each other in their family history research through mutual help, information exchange and knowledge sharing.
The regulars’ table is not a club and there is no membership or other obligation! Therefore there is no fixed group of members and no board! The Unna genealogist regulars’ table always consists of the group of people who are currently taking part in a meeting . An organizational team takes care of the organization and management of our events.
Everything that the genealogist Stammtisch Unna organizes and all interaction between the organizers, the speakers and the participants takes place on a purely private basis!
Contact Information:
- Website: www.ahnenforscher-stammtisch-unna.de/
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/afstunna
- Twitter/X: twitter.com/ahnenforscher
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/ahnenforscherstammtischunna/
- YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCRWo3I3Oxygck4P09Er44Cg
- Email: info@ahnenforscherstammtisch.de
Mailing Address:
Genealogist Stammtisch Unna, c/o Myers-Palmüller family, 59174 Kamen, Germany
Contact language: German
Online community of genealogists
The genealogist Stammtisch Unna was founded in January 2001 in Unna, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, to offer genealogists a non-associative private meeting place where they can experience the fascinating hobby of genealogy together for free without any obligation or membership!
Since April 2020, we have been an online genealogist regulars’ table that enables participation in our online events via the web meeting platform “Zoom”, no matter where you live in the world!
At our online meetings, we generally address each other as “you” and by your first name, regardless of whether you are attending for the first time or have been taking part in the meetings for many years. We don’t have distant “researcher colleagues”, but rather “researcher friends” from all over the world and this is how we create our well-known positive, relaxed, warm and familiar atmosphere.
Leveraging the knowledge of more experienced genealogists
Do you have questions about your genealogy research? Can’t read a document? Do you need tips for making progress in your research?
The genealogist regulars’ table Unna online night following our online events will continue in a relaxed manner from around 9 p.m. in the same Zoom meeting room. Then you can ask your questions and, of course, take advantage of the help of more experienced genealogists free of charge and without membership.
Free. No membership or association or event fees. All programs are free
All benefits are freely available to all interested parties as there is no membership charge:
Online meeting point for beginning and advanced genealogists with ancestors from Germany and the former German eastern territories on the web meeting platform “Zoom”!
Experience genealogy research together – participate conveniently online from home or on the go using your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone!
- Do you have questions about your genealogy research and need tips and help from the participants?
Can’t decipher an old handwritten document or would you like to show the participants something interesting from the world of genealogy? Or do you simply want to help others with your knowledge?
Then you’ve come to the right place at the genealogist regulars’ table Unna online night , which starts after the official part of our online events at around 9 p.m.!
Simply stay in the Zoom meeting room or join after 9 p.m. if you are not interested in the topic of our event.
There are always researcher friends in the group of participants for whom the genealogist regulars’ table Unna online night is not long enough and sometimes you even meet some of them in the Zoom meeting room in the early hours of the morning.
Did you miss a lecture?
- If the respective speakers agree, we record our events and publish the recordings on our YouTube channel.A few videos have already accumulated.
To the YouTube channel of the genealogist Stammtisch Unna
You can also find a complete list of all videos created by the genealogist Stammtisch Unna on our “ Videos ” page!
- If the respective speakers agree, we record our events and publish the recordings on our YouTube channel.A few videos have already accumulated.
The genealogy calendar
THE educational program for all genealogists with many face-to-face, hybrid and online events from a wide range of genealogical clubs and organizations!
- We launched the genealogy calendar in spring 2020, when many genealogical clubs and organizations moved their events online due to the Corona lockdown and the associated ban on gatherings.
- Find out who offers what, how and where, take part and learn something new at every event that can be useful for your genealogy research.