Brandenburgische Genealogische Gesellschaft “Roter Adler” e. V. (BGG)

This basic program offers the Brandenburg Genealogical Society “Red Eagle” (BGG) an orientation framework for the association’s work. It gives everyone interested in family research in the area of the historic Mark Brandenburg, the public and our members an overview of the goals and tasks of our association.
Contact Information:
- Website:
- Instagram:
- Facebook:
- YouTube:
- Email:
- Contact language: German, English
Genealogical Society and Genealogical Publishing Company
- The Brandenburg Genealogical Society “Red Eagle” (BGG) is the association of all individuals and institutions interested in genealogical research in the area of the historical Mark Brandenburg and s politically independent.
- It pursues the goal of maintaining and promoting genealogical and relatedi regional-historical education, science, culture and research in the area of the historic Mark Brandenburg.
- Private and organized genealogists and those interested in family history make an important contribution to historical and sociological science, education and research as well as to the creation and preservation of identity among the population.
- The BGG advocates for the interests of its members, which are related to their statutory tasks.
- It advocates for the strengthening and dissemination of scientifically based genealogical research and promotes public interest and understanding of genealogy and related sciences.
- The BGG is a member of the umbrella organization of the German Working Group of Genealogical Associations (DAGV) and the Association for Computer Genealogy (CompGen) eV and thus organizes its efforts to ensure that all genealogical associations work together for mutual benefit.
- It does not engage in or support any commercial activities or endeavors within or outside of its statutory tasks.
- We are currently offering a trial membership for a membership fee of just 20.00 euros in the first year of membership.
- From the second year of membership onwards, the regular membership fee must be paid.
- The one-off admission fee is currently 10.00 euros.
- The regular annual membership fee is currently 40.00 euros.
- Discounts are possible upon request, which amount to half of the regular fee for schoolchildren, students, the unemployed and similar groups, as well as for other members of a family if publications are only
purchased once
Membership Benefits:
Aims of the research work and documentation.
- The BGG supports its members in active genealogical research and its documentation, in particular
through:- the establishment of a closed mailing list for the internal exchange of information
- the integration of the existing open mailing lists Brandenburg-L and Neumark-L
- the establishment or provision of options for secure
- the establishment or
provision of options for securearchiving/depositing of research results (archive/library) - the establishment of genealogical research centers that work on regional or thematic f ocuses of the
statutory purpose - the coordination of current and future genealogical research, including through the creation of maps of sources and family sequences
- the publication of an internal periodical “Brandenburg Genealogical News”
- the publication of an annual magazine “Brandenburgisches Genealogical Yearbook” 1 to document research results
- the establishment and maintenance of a club homepage as a research and communication portal