Germanic Genealogy Society of St. Louis About: . Contact Information: Facebook: Email: Contact language: English Type: Genealogical Society Purpose: Membership: Membership Benefits...
About: It is my pleasure to welcome you to the official website of The Villages Genealogical Society, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Since our founding in 1993, the population of The Villages has experienced phenomenal growth, and our Society in mirroring that...
Verband deutschsprachiger Berufsgenealogen e. V. About: We are … a professional association whose members work as professional genealogists in geographical areas in which the German language is or was spoken. The Association … has represented its members externally...
IGGP bylaws vote will lead into election for new board Partner representatives to the International German Genealogy Partnership have been emailed information about several proposed bylaws changes related to theelection later this year of new officers and directors....
The first IGGP event outside the United States is being planned for November in Hannover, Germany. The goal is to hold a weekend workshop for IGGP partner representatives. It is being planned by IGGP board members Barbara Schmidt and Timo Kracke. Participants will...