Germanic Genealogy Society (Minnesota) About: The Germanic Genealogy Society is a non-profit organization established in 1979 as the German Interest Group by people who had a common interest in their Germanic heritage. In 1981, it became a branch of the Minnesota...
Palatines to America-German Genealogy Society (Chapters in CO, IN, NY, NC, OH, PA) About: PALATINES TO AMERICAÂ was founded in Columbus, Ohio, 12 July 1975. Beginning with a nucleus of 47 individuals from throughout the U.S., the society now has about 800 members. It...
German Texan Heritage Society About: We envision that the people of Texas today and in generations to come will be well informed about the cultural values and heritage of German-Texans and that they will embrace the societal benefits of all cultural and heritage...
German-Bohemian Heritage Society About: German-Bohemians are people who have either lived in or have ancestry in the outer rim of the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is comprised of the former countries of Bohemia and Moravia, which were part of the Austrian Empire...
German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA, Washington, DC About: The German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA® serves as the national membership association for German-American heritage. GAHF cultivates a greater awareness for German-American heritage and...