Arbeitskreis Familienforschung Dithmarschen im Verein für Dithmarscher Landeskunde e.V. About: Our association not only deals with regional history, but also promotes regional studies and is dedicated to landscape conservation. Current cultural, ecological and...
Arbeitsgemeinschaft fĂĽr Saarländische Familienkunde (ASF) About: The Working Group for Saarland Family Customers eV – ASF – has existed since 1966 and currently has over 400 members and exchange partners. According to the statutes, it has set itself the...
Anglo-German Family History Society About: The Anglo-German Family History Society welcomes all those who are interested in researching the genealogy or family history of people from the German-speaking parts of Europe who have emigrated over the centuries and settled...
Ahnenforscher Stammtisch Unna About: Although they have the city name “Unna” in our name, they do not deal with Unna local research, but they are a meeting point for genealogists – beginners and advanced – from all over the world, whose...