Pommerscher Verein Central Wisconsin About: The Pommerscher Verein Central Wisconsin exists to preserve the language and heritage of its member’s ancestors who immigrated primarily from the Prussian Provinces of Pomerania, West and East Prussia, and Posen as...
Pommern Regional Group About: This group is for researchers of ancestors from Pomerania (German: Pommern). There are very few genealogy groups dedicated to this former/current state in Germany. Former because after WWII in 1945 all of Pommern, east of the line formed...
Ostfriesen Genealogical Society of America (OGSA) Minnesota About: Our association is committed to supporting our members researching their ancestors from Ostfriesland and the events and culture that shaped their lives. We hope that you find the information on this...
Oldenburgische Gesellschaft für Familienkunde e.V. (Oldenburg Society for Family Studies) About: The Oldenburger Land family database is a collection of local family books (OFB) from the Duchy of Oldenburg.As a partial database, each OFB is a self-contained work...
Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society About: The Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society (MAGS) is a non-profit genealogical society founded in 1982 in the mid-Atlantic region. The MAGS Mission is to stimulate and facilitate research on Germanic genealogy and heritage and to promote...