Oldenburgische Gesellschaft für Familienkunde e.V. (Oldenburg Society for Family Studies)

Oldenburgische Gesellschaft für Familienkunde e.V.


The Oldenburger Land family database is a collection of local family books (OFB) from the Duchy of Oldenburg.
As a partial database, each OFB is a self-contained work (“family tree”). It is usually based on the parishes/communities in which the people/families admitted lived.
These areas are colored dark green on the map below; the parish names are sensitive and refer to further information.

Of course, the same people/families can appear in different parishes and thus OFBs, and the OFB handlers endeavor to identify and mark such duplicates. In a few cases it is even advisable to merge several parishes into one OFB. – However, a comprehensive merging of all OFBs is not possible for technical and work-organizational reasons.

The local family history working group fak-om.de offers a similar database for the Catholic parishes of the Oldenburger Münsterland for an annual fee of 25 euros.

Contact Information:

Mailing Address:  Werner Krull, Jägerstr. 24b, 26121 Oldenburg, Tel. 0441-71258

Contact language:  German


Family History


Support genealogy on the historic principles of family history 


    As of January 1, 2013, the membership fee is €25 per year for members residing in the Federal Republic of Germany. Due to the increased postage costs for our publications, members living outside of Germany currently have to pay an annual fee of €30.

    Membership Benefits:

    Members can become:
    a) natural persons with legal capacity
    b) young people, i.e. minors with limited legal capacity with the consent of their legal guardians
    c) legal entities under public and private law
    There is also the possibility of joining:
    d) as an honorary member
    e) as a supporting member

    Only the members named under a) – d) have voting rights at the general meeting. The members named under a) – c) (regarding b with the written consent of their legal guardians) must declare their membership in writing and at the same time undertake to pay the contribution. The declaration of membership must be submitted to one of the board members. The entire board decides on the admission of the member. There is no entitlement to admission.

    Honorary members are appointed by resolution of the general meeting and awarded by the chairman. Honorary members are not obliged to pay a contribution. You will receive the association publication “Oldenburgische Familienkunde” free of charge.

    Anyone who has done significant work for the purposes of the association and is willing to continue to work can be accepted into the association as a supporting member. There is no obligation to pay contributions for supporting members. The entire board decides whether to receive the association publication free of charge.
    The sponsoring members must be included in the member list and identified with a corresponding note.