German-Australian Genealogy & History Alliance About: GAGHA is an informal alliance of German-Australian history and genealogy organisations. The Alliance grew out of a conversation between Aileen Preiss, Ben Hollister and Dirk Weissleder after Dirk’s...
Germans in St. Louis About: St. Louis is called the “Gateway to the West” and is home to two big rivers, breweries, baseball fans and lots of Germans! In the early 1800s, German immigration began as a trickle into Missouri and the St. Louis area and then, like the...
Verband deutschsprachiger Berufsgenealogen e. V. About: We are … a professional association whose members work as professional genealogists in geographical areas in which the German language is or was spoken. The Association … has represented its members externally...
Westfälische Gesellschaft für Genealogie und Familienforschung (WGGF), Münster, Westphalia, Germany About: Founded in 1920 Association of genealogists and those interested in family history for the historical landscape of Westphalia-Lippe with currently around 700...
The Village Genealogical Society – German Special Interest Group About: It is my pleasure to welcome you to the official website of The Villages Genealogical Society, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Since our founding in 1993, the population of The...