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*This is a partner event. Viele Ahnenforscher listen lediglich die Namen, Lebensdaten und -orte ihrer Vorfahren auf und verzichten auf alle weiteren Informationen ĂĽber ihre Ahnen. Dabei machen doch erst […]
*This is a partner event. Viele Ahnenforscher listen lediglich die Namen, Lebensdaten und -orte ihrer Vorfahren auf und verzichten auf alle weiteren Informationen ĂĽber ihre Ahnen. Dabei machen doch erst […]
Fragen, Tipps und Hilfen aus dem Teilnehmerkreis rund um die große genealogische Internetplatform. Einladung mit Teilnahmemöglichkeit. Central Europe time zone | online | English
*This is a partner event. Presenter: Eileen Swanberg. The search function at FamilySearch is more than just records =- it can lead you to books, geographical information, language-based word lists […]
This is a partner event. Presenter: Claire Gebben. A look at time-honored German Christmas stories, including story excerpts and illustrations that bring out the shared traditions and culture of the […]
Deutschsprachiger Online-Vortrag auf Zoom: Vorstellung National Archives And Records Administration (NARA) und Die Online-Quellen FĂĽr Ahnenforscher mit dem Referenten Kenneth W. Heger von der Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society. Einladung mit Teilnahmemöglichkeit. […]
Presenter: Till Fehmer. This presentation is designed as a starting point for researching your German ancestors and provides an overview of German genealogy, followed by where various sources are available […]
Presenter: Antje Petty. Every immigrant first was an emigrant. This workshop will discuss the experiences of German-speaking Europeans as they left their home countries, as well as the records that […]
Presenter: Ryan Johnson. Alien registration forms constitute an important federal immigration record series rich in genealogical details that was recently transferred from US Citizenship and Immigration Services to the National […]
Presenter: Till Fehmer. Over 40 million Americans have German ancestors, comprising 10-15% of the population and forming the largest single ethnic group in the U.S. When researching your German-American family […]
Richard Gruetzner from the German-Texas Heritage Society will discuss the historical German Free School located in Austin and how the modern operations of the GTHS reflect the cultural heritage that created it. The […]
Presenter: Rhonda R. McClure. German immigrants first arrived to American shores in large numbers in the late 17th century, and today nearly 45 million Americans have German heritage. Published resources […]
German immigrants first arrived to American shores in large numbers in the late 17th century, and today nearly 45 million Americans have German heritage. Published resources are an essential tool […]