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Techniques to Find Unindexed Records

*This is a partner event. MAGS spring conference workshop featuring Kenneth W. Heger, PhD. We all know not all records are indexed; consequently, developing skills to find those records is crucial to researching your family’s history.  This workshop will focus on identifying several key techniques and teaching participants how to use clues in the records to locate related documents.  The workshop will rely on a case study from records the Weser River Project discovered.  Participants will learn how to use dates, file numbers, and handwritten notes on documents to find unindexed, related documents.  The instructor will use scans of documents and discuss them with participants. The session will be three hours long and will be interactive, allowing participants to talk about the documents, commenting on the data in the records and what each document tells them about how to find more information. Details.

April 11 @ 1:00 PM 4:00 PM

Eastern time zone | hybrid | English

Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society

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