CORDIAL INVITATION TO THE 73rd GERMAN GENEALOGIST’S DAY IN KLEVE MOSAIK Familienkundliche Vereinigung fĂĽr das Klever Land e.V. will host the 73rd German Genealogy Day from 27 to 29 October 2023 in the old ducal city of Kleve, where the Counts and Dukes of Kleve...
Thank you Presenters, Exhibitors, Sponsors and the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne! ​The International German Genealogy Partnership presented its Shirley Riemer Lifetime Achievement Award to Larry O. Jensen during a ceremony at the 2023 conference in Fort...
IGGP Conference 2023 - Fort Wayne, Indiana & Virtual 2023 Conference Updates We are reviewing the IGGC2023 survey results and feedback. We will share some of that in our newsletter. We welcome additional feedback at The conference is accessible for...
IGGP Conference 2021 - Virtual 2021 IGGC: Fantastisch! IGGP Board President Ingeborg Carpenter called it a Phoenix rising from the ashes. Many of the 800-plus attendees whether German, American, Canadian, Australian or Brazilia — called it the best conference they’ve...
IGGP Conference 2019 - Sacramento, California Conference Beginning on Saturday, June 15, 2019, Sacramento will host the second international conference of the International German Genealogy Partnership (IGGP). More than 700 people are expected to attend the conference...