Michigan Germanic Genealgical Society

Michigan Germanic Genealgical Society

Michigan Germanic Genealogical Society About: We are a virtual society that operates within the State of Michigan. We provide quality programs to enrich our members genealogical needs. Contact Information: Website: miggs.org/Facebook:...
Kentucky Genealogical Society

Kentucky Genealogical Society

Kentucky Genealogical Society About: In 1973, an enthusiastic group of genealogists and family researchers formed the Kentucky Genealogical Society. This is where our history begins. The society idea came from the first president, Charles Edwin Shelby, who had moved...


JewishGen About: JewishGen serves as the global home for Jewish genealogy. Featuring unparalleled access to millions of records, it offers unique search tools, along with opportunities for researchers to connect with others who share similar interests. Award-winning...
Jefferson Genealogical Society

Jefferson Genealogical Society

Jefferson Genealogical Society About: A world of information at your fingertips! Contact Information: Website:  www.jeffersonparishgenealogy.org/Facebook:  www.facebook.com/groups/184111758759064/ Mailing Address: Jefferson Parish Library, Old Metairie Branch 2350...
International Association of Germans from Lithuania (IAGL)

International Association of Germans from Lithuania (IAGL)

International Association of Germans from Lithuania About: The International Association of Germans from Lithuania (IAGL) or Internationaler Verband der Deutschen aus Litauen is a not-for-profit corporation established in the U.S. and is dedicated to providing...