Partner Calls

2024 GERMAN language calls

  • 21 Feb. (Wednesday) 19:00 MEZ
  • 15 April (Monday) 19:00 MEZ
  • 19 June (Wednesday) 19:00 MEZ
  • 19 Aug. (Monday) 19:00 MEZ
  • 16 Oct. (Wednesday) 19:00 MEZ
  • 16 Dec. (Monday) 19:00 MEZ
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Current Time in Berlin
Wed, February 14
igp ]| header partner

IGGP partner societies meet every month, alternating between sessions where the discussion takes place in English or German. All partner representatives are welcome to attend all partner calls regardless of language. Sessions take place on Zoom. The link and agenda are sent shortly before each partner call.

The IGGP board meets on a monthly basis on Zoom. Partners with business for the board may email to prior to the scheduled meeting.

2024 IGGP board meetings

  • Saturday 17 FEB 1 pm CT
  • Saturday 16 MAR 1 pm CT
  • Saturday 20 APR 1 pm CT
  • Saturday 18 MAY 1 pm CT
  • Saturday 15 JUN 1 pm CT
  • Sunday 21 JUL 1 pm CT
  • Saturday 17 AUG 1 pm CT
  • Saturday 21 SEP 1 pm CT
  • Saturday 19 OCT 1 pm CT
  • Saturday 16 NOV 1 pm CT
  • Saturday 21 DEC 1 pm CT

2024 ENGLISH language calls

  • Thursday, Jan. 18, 12 p.m. CT
  • Thursday, March 21, 6 p.m. CT
  • Thursday, May 16, 3 p.m. CT
  • Thursday, July 18, 6 p.m. CT
  • Thursday, Sept. 19, 3 p.m. CT
  • Thursday, Nov. 21, 6 p.m. CT
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Current Time in Minneapolis
Tue, February 13