2024 Spring Seminar  (PALAM – Ohio Chapter)

Mary Eberle, JD, founded DNA Hunters in 2015 aŌer careers as a biotech patent aƩorney and scienƟst. She is passionate
about empowering people to harness DNA's power to solve family mysteries. Mary has used DNA to break through brick
walls in her family tree. Her clients include adoptees and others with unknown parents or grandparents. DNAHunters.com

Our German Ancestors and Their Occupations

Baerbel Johnson, who works at the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City, will share information about German occupations past and present. Baerbel is a very experienced researcher and presenter who has a wealth of knowledge to share. Register Central Time Zone | online | English

Treffen Tuesday: A German from Russia Dreams of Karakul Sheep

Allyn Brosz will provide an overview of Dr. Charles Christian Young, a Bessarabian German from Neu-Elft who imported the first Karakul sheep into the United States. His remarkable life story starts with his birth as Karl Jung in Bessarabia, his immigration to the U.S., his training as a medical doctor, his personal friendship with President […]

Ahnenforschung in der alten Donaumonarchie

Im Laufe eines Jahres erfahren Sie dort alles wichtige ĂĽber die Ahnenforschung in der alten Donaumonarchie. Egal, ob Sie erst am Anfang Ihrer Forschungen stehen oder schon viel Erfahrung haben, Sie werden dort garantiert viel Neues erfahren. Jeden Mittwoch, ab 18.00 Uhr. Hier finden Sie alle bereits feststehenden Themen und die links zur Anmeldung bei […]

German ABCs

This talk by James Pelzer and Richard Haberstroh on German script, print, and pronunciation will focus on the importance of researchers learning to read and correctly pronounce words in handwritten and printed German. As time permits, questions submitted by members will be answered concerning the availability of the German newspapers of New York City and […]

National-Socialism: Euthanasia and family research

During the Nazi era, people were transferred from hospitals and homes for the disabled to various institutions in the German Reich and in the annexed territories and murdered there. This took place in two phases. Speaker Inga Guttzeit, based on her own relative, shows that it is possible to follow his path in today's Poland […]

MAGS Spring Workshop

Reading German Baptism Records presented by Daniel Gubler-Jones, an Accredited Genealogist specializing in Swiss and German research. He is currently a research specialist in Germanic and Slavic Europe for the Family History Library. Location: Anne Arundel Community College, 101 College Parkway, Room 145A Health and Life Sciences Building in Arnold, Maryland. Sign up on our […]

MAGS spring conference

German Research Strategies presented by Daniel Gubler-Jones. There will be four presentations during the day: "Advanced German Research Strategies;" "Emigration Strategies: Revealing Chain Migration;" "Solving Complex Genealogical Problems: The Case of Balthasar Weber;" "Thinking Outside the Book: Using Non-Parish Registers to Solve Research Problems." Jones is an Accredited Genealogist specializing in Swiss and German research. […]

Spring Seminar

Genealogy instructor Dana Palmer will present four programs at the Colorado chapter of Palatines to America Spring Seminar: Finding German Records Using Family Search; Useful Tools for those with German Ancestors; Finding German Church Records on Archion; and Naturalization Records – A Clue to the Past. For complete details, registration and payment see the seminar […]

Ahnenforschung in der alten Donaumonarchie

Im Laufe eines Jahres erfahren Sie dort alles wichtige ĂĽber die Ahnenforschung in der alten Donaumonarchie. Egal, ob Sie erst am Anfang Ihrer Forschungen stehen oder schon viel Erfahrung haben, Sie werden dort garantiert viel Neues erfahren. Jeden Mittwoch, ab 18.00 Uhr. Hier finden Sie alle bereits feststehenden Themen und die links zur Anmeldung bei […]

Ahnenforschung in der alten Donaumonarchie

Im Laufe eines Jahres erfahren Sie dort alles wichtige ĂĽber die Ahnenforschung in der alten Donaumonarchie. Egal, ob Sie erst am Anfang Ihrer Forschungen stehen oder schon viel Erfahrung haben, Sie werden dort garantiert viel Neues erfahren. Jeden Mittwoch, ab 18.00 Uhr. Hier finden Sie alle bereits feststehenden Themen und die links zur Anmeldung bei […]

Ahnenforschung in der alten Donaumonarchie

Im Laufe eines Jahres erfahren Sie dort alles wichtige ĂĽber die Ahnenforschung in der alten Donaumonarchie. Egal, ob Sie erst am Anfang Ihrer Forschungen stehen oder schon viel Erfahrung haben, Sie werden dort garantiert viel Neues erfahren. Jeden Mittwoch, ab 18.00 Uhr. Hier finden Sie alle bereits feststehenden Themen und die links zur Anmeldung bei […]