Partnership Showcase
Partnership Showcase
The Partnership Showcase recognizes collaboration among IGGP partners in a project that two or more IGGP partner organizations are working on or have recently completed during the current 12 months. The objective of the showcase is to help societies magnify the impact of their project by alerting other IGGP societies of the project, and to help partnering societies complete or raise awareness of a project that will benefit the Partnership and its constituent societies.
Showcasing Projects
The Partnership will help the projects’ sponsors publicize projects to expand the customer base. It will assist Societies create branded flyers, based on the IGGP flyer template, and facilitate dissemination of those flyers. The partnership will publicize the projects at the following IGGC using posters (as space at the venue allows). The Partnership will also publish an overview of the projects in dedicated articles in the Partnerzeitung, as well as follow-up articles highlighting how the project benefited other societies. IGGP will advertise the project on the Partnership’s website and over the IGGP’s social media channels, as well as highlight the project at the partner calls with the goal of fostering greater collaborations.
Submission Procedure
Societies applying for the showcase should include the following information.
- If the society/societies applying for this award want assistance publicizing a completed project or if they want IGGP assistance finding other societies with which they can partner.
- The names of the societies that are working on the project; contact information for those societies
- The project’s title
- The project’s goal, including providing an abstract of the project to explain the parameters and end goal
- Narrative Description of the Project, e.g., Digitization, Dataset Creation, Updating/Modernizing a Society’s Website; A Special Conference or Event; Training Seminar
- This can include text on how this project is different from other projects or events, how it expands an existing project or partnership
- Any feedback the societies have received from users, both positive comments as well as suggestions on how to improve or expand the project
- Images that represent the project
The IGGP will be in contact with the partners who submitted a project for creating posters and flyers for the IGGC 2025. In case of a high number of submissions and limited space for posters at the venue, the board will decide which projects will be featured using posters. This does not impact the articles in the Partnerzeitung nor other avenues of publicizing the projects.
The deadline for submission is 31 March 2025. Submit your materials to Sabine Akabayov