Texas Bay Area Genealogical Society

Our main purpose is Education.
It is our desire to create, foster, and maintain interest in genealogical research.
Contact Information:
- Website: www.txbayareagen.org/
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/txbayareagen
- Email: Info@txbayareagen.org
Mailing Address
Bay Area Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 590853
Houston, TX 77259-0853
P.O. Box 590853
Houston, TX 77259-0853
Contact language: English
Genealogical Society / Special Interest Group
Our goals are to:
* schedule classes so people of all ages can learn how to research
* offer a support system for beginners to help them along the way
* have our members participate by sharing their knowledge
* promote speakers that can teach us new methods and ideas
We share this information with others at meetings, seminars, and through our publications.
Single membership … $25
Family membership… $35
Student membership…$10 (must provide student ID)
Family membership… $35
Student membership…$10 (must provide student ID)
Lifetime membership…$600 or higher
Donation (Contributor – $5-$29, Benefactor – $30-$49)
Patron – $50-$599)\
Patron – $50-$599)\
Journals/Yearbook by mail … $15
Membership Benefits:
- Direct training studies for new members.
- Conduct educational programs to enrich members’ research experience.
- Produce genealogical and historical publications of interest.
- Provide volunteer assistance to Clayton Library, Center for Genealogical Research.
- Maintain a Surname Database consisting of hundreds of names.
- Set up displays in local libraries to draw public interest