Schleswig-Holsteinische Familienforschung e.V. (SHFam)

The Schleswig-Holstein Family Research Association has been a competent partner for family research in Schleswig-Holstein since 1948.
In addition to information, advice and self-help with questions about family research, the focus is on cooperation and the exchange of information with friendly associations and working groups and circles.
We have been the publisher of the Schleswig-Holstein family history yearbook since 1962.
The yearbook offers members and external authors the opportunity to publish research results related to Schleswig-Holstein.
Independent family history publications and collections find long-term, secure storage in our library in the Schleswig-Holstein State Archives and are available to anyone interested.
Contact Information:
- Website:
- Email:
Mailing Address
D-24837 Schleswig
Contact language: German
Genealogical Society / Special Interest Group
related areas and in the family associations in Schleswig-Holstein.
The Society fulfils this purpose by providing information and advice for the purpose of instructing organizes lectures and visits, publishes publications, family history material of all kinds from private hands and family associations.
Pupils, students 15 €.
Membership Benefits:
The SHFam is a platform for the exchange of information, including with friendly clubs and groups, for the mutual benefit of all members.
Members receive the Schleswig-Holstein family history yearbook and the regular newsletters free of charge..