San Diego Genealogical Society

The SDGS German Interest Group explores a wide variety of subjects related to German genealogy and non-German topics of general interest. Meetings offer SDGS members and visitors nationally recognized speakers, and interactive classes where members can bring individual issues to be discussed.
Group will meet via a hybrid setting. Meeting location: In person at SD FamilySearch Center in Mission Valley and virtual via Zoom.
Contact Information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Email:
Mailing Address
Post Office Box 635057
San Diego, CA 92163
Contact language: English
Genealogical Society
The purpose of the Society is to promote interest in the fields of genealogy and family history research through individual and group effort and in cooperation with other like-minded organizations. The Society supports the genealogical collection at the San Diego Public Library, the presentation of lectures and classes of genealogical interest, the advancement of digital technology including genetic genealogy and social media and writing and publishing of books, blogs and papers in the subject field.
- Basic Family (same household) – $50.00 (USD)Bundle (up to 2 members)Subscription period: 1 yearNo automatically recurring paymentsMonthly Presidents Message, access to Members Only section including directory with surnames, access to back issues of San Diego Leaves & Saplings plus other SDGS publications.
- Gold Individual – $100.00 (USD)Subscription period: 1 yearNo automatically recurring paymentsBasic benefits.
- Gold Family (same household) – $150.00 (USD)Bundle (up to 2 members)Subscription period: 1 yearNo automatically recurring paymentsBasic family benefits and add 2nd member at half price.
Membership Benefits:
- Monthly meetings with local, national, and international speakers
- Genealogy Classes – 9am Saturday prior to monthly meetings
- Monthly software users’ group meetings
- Special Interest Groups covering specific topics (e.g. German Interest Group, DNA Interest Group, Ask a Genealogist Group)
- Discounted registration for Seminars and research trips
- Monthly Presidents message
- Free queries
Access to SDGS Members-Only areas:
- Speaker Handouts
- Meeting Recordings
- Members directory
- Society publications
- Former research journal, San Diego Leaves & Saplings
- Back issues of SDGS Newsletters.