
JewishGen serves as the global home for Jewish genealogy. Featuring unparalleled access to millions of records, it offers unique search tools, along with opportunities for researchers to connect with others who share similar interests.
Award-winning resources such as the Discussion Group, Family Finder, and ViewMate, are relied upon by thousands each day. In addition, JewishGen’s extensive informational, educational and historical offerings, such as the Jewish Communities Database, Yizkor Book translations, InfoFiles, and KehilaLinks, provide critical insights, first-hand accounts, and context about Jewish communal and familial life throughout the world.
Offered as a free resource, has facilitated thousands of family connections and success stories, and is currently engaged in an intensive expansion effort that will bring many more records, tools, and resources to its collections.
Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
36 Battery Place,
Contact language: English
Heritage Society
To preserve our Jewish family history and heritage for future generations.
JewishGen is the premier online resource for Jewish genealogy. Your gifts, which are greatly appreciated, help to ensure our continued ability to serve the ever-growing worldwide JewishGen community. Please contribute whatever you are able at this time – it will make an immediate difference.
You can help across the following:
The JewishGen Annual Fund —
Your gift fuels JewishGen’s mission to preserve the precious history of the Jewish people, and enables us to increase the information we provide to all who have an interest in researching their Jewish ancestry. -
Join Our Monthly Giving or Chai Societies —
Please join our JewishGen “Monthly Giving Society” by committing to recurring automatic donations. These special gifts allow JewishGen to count on predictable, stable funding. Gifts of $8.34 per month (or less than $0.28 per day) qualify for Value Added Services. If you are in a position to contribute $18 or more per month, you will automatically become a member in our JewishGen “Chai Society.” No matter the amount, your recurring donation will make a difference, and you will feel secure in the knowledge that your gift is being used to its maximum potential. -
Planned Giving Opportunities —
Contribute to the future of JewishGen by planning for a special kind of gift or bequest. - JewishGen Wall of Honor –
Honor someone on a special occasion, or choose a unique way to express your appreciation, and have a message displayed on our Wall of Honor (honorees will be notified).
Membership Benefits:
By your donation you can access our dattabases across: