The International Association of Germans from Lithuania (IAGL) or Internationaler Verband der Deutschen aus Litauen is a not-for-profit corporation established in the U.S. and is dedicated to providing resources and information to help those researching their German ancestors formerly from southwestern Lithuania. In additional to offering information to help genealogists and family historians, the IAGL is dedicated to connecting the greater Detusche aus Litauen community, and documenting the history of this unique ethnic minority. The IAGL is entirely managed by volunteers and is financially supported through donations.
Contact Information:
Website: www.germansfromlithuania.org/
Email: info@germansfromlithuania.org
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 957 North Olmsted, OH 44070 USA
Languages: English
Heritage Society
The International Association of Germans from Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as ‘IAGL’) is a not-for-profit corporation located in the United States and was established first and foremost as a genealogical resource, providing the public with historic records and information regarding the former German population in southwestern Lithuania (known as the Deutsche aus Litauen) and elsewhere in the former Russian Empire’s Suwałki Gubernia. In addition to providing resources for genealogical research in relation to this ethnic minority, the IAGL was also established to document the culture and history of these peoples, and allow members and the public the ability to learn more about the Deutsche aus Litauen, and connect with the greater community.
We do not charge membership dues as we have nomembers – we do accept donations only – for more information on what our donation elvels see the donation benefits in the following column.
Your financial donation helps to keep the efforts of the IAGL moving forward. We use donated funds to help cover a variety of expenses such as web hosting (to keep the IAGL online index free for all,) photographing of records abroad, and the costs associated with creating Die Weite. No one at the IAGL receives a salary and all of our staff volunteer their time to make the IAGL possible. Your donation is tax deductible (for U.S. residents.)
Donation Benefits:
As we do not accept membership and we function entirely on donations. The following donation levels provide the following benefits:
Die Weite Digital Version Only.
You’ll receive a digital PDF of Die Weite delivered to your email inbox twice per year.
Die Weite Printed Version. (Europe & Rest of World)
In addition to a digital PDF of Die Weite, you’ll also receive a printed copy that is saddle-stitched and features a full-colour cover. For non-U.S. & Canadian addresses only.
Die Weite Printed Version. (U.S. Residents)
In addition to a digital PDF of Die Weite, you’ll also receive a printed copy that is saddle-stitched and features a full-colour cover. For U.S. addresses only.