Gottscheer Heritage and Genealogy Association

GHGA was founded in June 1992 by a group of seventeen subscribers to the newsletter, The Gottschee Tree, when they met in Salt Lake City, Utah for a Gottscheer Western Regional Reunion. In 1993 GHGA was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the state of Colorado. As of September 2005, there are more than 450 members. The Board of Directors is composed of four officers, five elected directors, and two appointed associate directors. The Board meetings are in January (telephone conference) and in June. The annual business meeting of the organization is the last weekend in June.About template.
Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 725
Louisville, Colorado 80027-0725
Contact language: English
Heritage Society
The purpose and objectives of the organization:
- Preserve the history, culture, and genealogical records of Gottscheers.
- Collect oral histories of Gottscheers in print, videotape, or audio cassette.
- Coordinate research trips to the former area of Gottschee in Slovenia.
- Support archival activities by locating, purchasing, translating, and archiving important books and articles on the history and culture of Gottschee.
- Support restoration of Gottscheer cemeteries and other cultural monuments in the former Gottschee county in Slovenia.
U.S. and Canada: Yearly membership dues are $25.00 for individuals, $30.00 for family membership. Annual dues are payable in U.S. dollars for the organization’s fiscal year, July 1 through June 30. (Checks payable in Canadian dollars,
add a $5.00 surcharge).
All other countries: Yearly membership dues are $30.00 for individuals,
$35.00 for family membership.
New members joining between January through April 30th pay $12.50, which is half the individual dues (or $15.00 which is half the family rate), then pay the full renewal fee ($25.00 or $30.00) in July. Individuals paying the half-rate of $12.50 receive the March and June issues of The Gottschee Tree and the Spring newsletter, The Gottscheer Connection.Individuals joining May through June pay the full rate of $25.00 or $30.00 with membership effective July 1st.
To become a member or to renew membership, please complete the membership form and pay either by check or through PayPal.
Questions? Contact Mary Rees, membership chair.
Please write GHGA membership on the subject line of the e-mail message.
Membership Benefits:
All persons interested in the endeavors and objectives of GHGA are welcome to join us in perpetuating the culture and heritage of the Gottscheers. If you are of Gottscheer descent we may be able to help you with the discovery of your ancestral roots. Our association maintains lists of surnames and villages of origin. Membership will allow you to tap the vast knowledge of our many members.
Members receive the quarterly journal, The Gottschee Tree, and the triennial newsletter, The Gottscheer Connection, plus the yearly membership roster, published each fall, which contains members’ connections to Gottschee.