Greater Omaha Genealogical Society-All Things German Interest Group

Thank you for visiting the Greater Omaha Genealogical Society (GOGS) website as part of your genealogy adventure! Our Society is based in Omaha, Nebraska, and is dedicated to assisting genealogists of all levels in achieving their goals, no matter how much or how little is known about one’s ancestors. We invite you to become a member, which has its own privileges in resources and other research helps.Our purpose is to:
Contact Information:
Mailing Address:
Contact language: English
Genealogical Society
Society membership is open to anyone interested in genealogy. Annual membership dues (currently $20 for a single membership or $25 for a family membership) are payable in May or June for the following year and become delinquent as of July 1. The fiscal year is from 1 July to 30 June of the following year.
Membership Benefits:
- Bi-Monthly newsletter
- Connect with other members through the GOGS website
- Access to previous presentations on this website
- Timely email notifications, updates and reminders of special opportunities available such as community resources, access to limited-time promotions, upcoming webinars, regional workshops
- Notification of library additions and newly donated materials
- Ability to add names to the GOGS surname registry
- Elect officers as well as vote on pertinent issues in the society