Delaware Sangerbund and Library Association-German Genealogy Division

The German Genealogy Group of the Delaware Saengerbund, organized for members and their guests, has been meeting since January 2002. We present programs by members on their area of expertise, and share experiences and stories relating to our German genealogical efforts. Occasionally experts are invited to present programs on special topics to the Group. To members of the DSB interested in genealogy, this is a valuable benefit of membership.
Contact Information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Email:
Mailing Address:
49 Salem Church Road
Newark, DE 19713, USA
Contact language: English
Social Club/Singing Society
The purpose of the DSB’s Web Site is to provide members and friends with current information about the DSB and our activities in a way that encourages participation and simplifies communications so that we further the German American heritage and traditional German culture. The objectives of the Organization as stated in the Constitution are:
The costs are a $35 application fee plus $50 per year for families or $35 per year for single memberships. All fees are due at the initial Membership meeting.
Family: $35 (application fee) + $50 (first year dues) = $85
Single: $35 (application fee) + $35 (first year dues) = $70
Membership Benefits:
Q. Who can become a member of the DSB?
A. We are looking for members of the community who are interested in supporting and perpetuating the study and use of the German language~ culture, traditions and customs and sharing in the traditional sociability among the German community and extending to the community at large.
Q. How does one apply?
A. All new applicants for membership must be sponsored by two non-related Active members in good standing.
Q. What kind of membership is there?
A. There are two kinds of membership ACTIVE and SUPPORTING.
ACTIVE members are those members with proof of German descent. Only ACTIVE members may vote on organizational affairs, elect officers, hold office and sponsor new members.
SUPPORTING members are those members who do not qualify or who elect not to be registered as an ACTIVE member. SUPPORTING members may not vote, hold office or sponsor new members.
ALL MEMBERS have full use of all club facilities and may attend any and all club functions.