DIE MAUS, Gesellschaft für Familienforschung e.V. Bremen

We provide extensive resources, for instance church record copies of all Bremen churches up to 1811, copies of several regional subsidiary church books, registers of births, marriages and deaths 1811-1875 for the city-state of Bremen and its surrounding communities, a great number of family related sources, a genealogical library and research results on many families in and around Bremen and other German regions. Civil registry office documents can be electronically looked through (members only) as long as the regulations of data privacy are kept.
Contact Information:
- Website: www.die-maus-bremen.info/
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/ahnenforschung.bremen.die.maus/
- Email: Archiv@die-maus-bremen.de
Mailing Address:
Die MAUS Gesellschaft für Familienforschung Bremen e.V.
Am Staatsarchiv 1
28203 Bremen
Contact language: German
Genealogical association
The purpose of the association is to promote science and research in genealogical, family history and local history, including the neighboring scientific areas of heraldry, sphragistics and name research, as well as to secure archival materials. The purpose of the association is achieved in particular through the procurement of
relevant specialist literature and the collection of research materials and research papers in order to make it accessible to members and interested third parties. The association provides members and interested third parties with advice and information on all research-related questions within the association’s purpose and maintains a specialist library and useful collections and will support and promote publication.
The association works selflessly; it primarily pursues non-economic purposes. The association’s funds may only be used for statutory purposes. Club members do not receive any donations from the club’s funds. No person may benefit from expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or from disproportionately high remuneration.
Membership fees: | Single membership | 35,00 € per year |
Family membership | 40,00 € per year |
Membership Benefits:
We provide extensive resources, for instance church record copies of all Bremen churches up to 1811, copies of several regional subsidiary church books, registers of births, marriages and deaths 1811-1875 for the city-state of Bremen and its surrounding communities, a great number of family related sources, a genealogical library and research results on many families in and around Bremen and other German regions. Civil registry office documents can be electronically looked through (members only) as long as the regulations of data privacy are kept.
Members have free online access to our public and internal databases via Internet, which may give results or at least initial hints. You may also subscribe for our internal internet forum (MAUS-Mailingliste), established for the purpose of exchanging research results or genealogical hints among members.
Half-yearly we issue our newsletter (MAUS-Mitteilungsblatt) with reports, informations and coming events. Furthermore we organize lectures, excursions and quarterly meetings (MAUS-Stammtisch).
We offer our members
- Access to internal databases
- lots of help with your own research
- intensive personal exchange
- indexing projects
- an internal mailing list
- lectures
- hands-on projects
and free access to our office
- FamilySearch Affiliate Library
- Archion
- Ancestry
- MyHeritage
- Weser Kurier Archive
- Family history folders
- Special library / church book copies