Eastside Genealogical Society German Interest Group

The German Interest Group (GIG) is comprised of members and visitors who have an interest in German genealogy and, whose ancestors not only came from Germany itself but also from the old principalities that existed prior to its 1871 unification. Additionally, ethnic Germans have inhabited areas beyond the country’s current borders including places like present-day Poland, Russia and the Alsace-Lorraine region of France.
The German Interest Group (GIG) was formed July 1986 to help members of the Eastside Genealogical Society research their German ancestry. This Group met on the first Friday from 1pm to 3pm at the old Lake Hills Library for many years. It then met for a short time in the Community Room at Crossroads Mall before finally moving to its current location in a room at the LDS Church. Past leaders of GIG include Jan Pankratz, Maxine Klink, Ann Passe and Karen Campbell. GIG has always been a strong group and had booths at the EGS Fair in Crossroads Mall and the local Family History Fairs.
Our Group is now a member of IGGP (International German Genealogy Partnership) having been accepted on May 20, 2023.
Contact Information:
- Website: https://egsgermangroup.wordpress.com/
- Email:
Contact language: English
Special Interest Group of a Genealogical Society
The purpose of our German Interest Group (GIG) is to help you research and understand your Germanic ancestors wherever they lived.
Most months we provide virtual meetings with informative and interesting presentations given by people who are known for their German research knowledge. We also offer the opportunity for Attendee Sharing to talk with others, ask genealogical questions and share success stories.
As a Special Interest Group, we have no dues but can accept donations to cover some speaker fees.
We encourage membership in our parent organization, The Eastside Genealogical Society (EGS), but it is NOT a requirement to attend our meetings. Your membership fees help EGS pay speaker fees for their monthly meetings, purchase books to be donated to the Bellevue Regional Library and fund the other educational and outreach programs EGS offers to the community. https://eastsidegenealogicalsociety.org/
There are three levels of EGS membership available.
- Individual membership costing $20.
- Dual membership for two members of the same household costing $25.
- Lifetime membership costing $300.
Membership Benefits:
The Resource Tab on our website has links to lists of websites, translation tips, books, etc.
Our Active Members and the current month’s meeting attendees have 1) access to recordings of our prior meeting presentations, in accordance with that speaker’s agreement and 2) receive the Post-Meeting email containing the link to the current month’s Google Drive folder, where the Virtual Events file, Weblinks file, etc. are stored.