CompGen, Verein für Computergenealogie e.V.

What are we committed to?
Contact Information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
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- Instagram:
- YouTube:
- Email:
Mailing Address:
Horst Reinhardt
Piccoloministrasse 397a
51067 Cologne
Contact language: German, English
Genealogical association
The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the “Tax-privileged purposes” section of the tax code. The purpose of the association is to promote science and research in genealogical and family history; This includes the neighboring scientific areas of heraldry, sphragistics and name research.
The purpose of the association is achieved in particular through:
- the computer-supported publication of scientific publications and the implementation of corresponding events and research projects;
- the development, processing and publication of genealogical and historical sources;
- supporting members in their family history research through the creation and use of computer-supported communication and publication media;
- the establishment and maintenance of scientific bodies for the collection, evaluation and publication of genealogical and historical research material;
- cooperation with associations and institutions that pursue similar interests, namely their advice and technical support in the planning and implementation of computer-supported projects
- The association operates nationally and selflessly; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.
The association’s funds may only be used for statutory purposes. The members do not receive payments from the association. Neither club members nor outside third parties may benefit from expenses that are foreign to the purpose of the association or through disproportionately high remuneration. Members and board members receive reimbursement of expenses. The reimbursement of expenses can be made in the form of reimbursement of expenses (reimbursement of actual expenses) or in the form of a flat-rate reimbursement of expenses or remuneration for activities. The decisions of the general meeting, the tax regulations and maximum limits as well as the financial performance of the association are decisive.
The research results accessible through the association and published by the association may not be used commercially. Members who carry out contract research for third parties in return for payment of a fee (professional genealogists) or who generate income from professional or commercial activities, the support of which also corresponds to the purpose of the association, may not derive any economic benefit from their membership in the association. The general meeting can decide on exceptions to these bans for individual works, provided they do not endanger the non-economic viability of the association.
Membership for private individuals
Membership Benefits:
- Individuals
- COMPUTERGENEALOGIE magazine 4 times a year
- Current edition of the FAMILY RESEARCH guide
- Access to the download area with a digital archive of all magazines
- Access to club-internal mailing lists
- you can actively help shape our club’s work
- Associations