American Historical Society of Germans from Russia

AHSGR’s mission is to discover, collect, preserve, and share the history, cultural heritage, and genealogical legacy of German Settlers in the Russian Empire. As experts on German Russian heritage, we are dedicated and passionate about continuously discovering new information and sharing it through a plethora of online and in-person resources.
Contact Information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- Twitter/X:
- Instagram:
- YouTube:
- Email:
Mailing Address:
631 D St
Lincoln, NE 68502
Contact language: English
Family History and Research
Local Chapter meetings are a great way to meet other Germans from Russia and to find out more about your heritage. Many AHSGR Chapters have their own libraries of books, maps, and research material. Find your local chapter for “area-wide” activities near you. We invite you to join in both national and Chapter activities. You might just meet a cousin or two!
Membership levels:
- Standard $60 (* $35 for publications)
- Sustaining $110 (includes donation)
- LIfe Varies (* $35 for publications)
- Student $15
- Youth $8
- Organization $50
- Life with Print Publications $35
*Once life membership is fully paid, are no further membership costs for the remainder of your life! Cost is $1,050 for ages 40 and younger, $900 for ages 41 to 55, and $750 for ages 56 and older. Payment may be made at one time or in annual installments over a three-year period.
†All members receive digital access to AHSGR Publications (Journal and Newsletter), delivered electronically by email or accessible at Publications. Physical printed publications can be mailed to members in the United States for a subscription fee of $35 annually. AHSGR does not mail printed publications to addresses outside the United States.
Membership Benefits:
- Discount in Bookstore
- Discount on Research
- Access to Members-Only Content
- Discount on Convention
- Newsletter & Journal†
- Jugend Zeitung (Digital Youth Magazine)
- Voting Rights
- Free Museum Access
- Free Library Access