Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Saarländische Familienkunde (ASF)

The Working Group for Saarland Family Customers eV – ASF – has existed since 1966 and currently has over 400 members and exchange partners.
According to the statutes, it has set itself the task of “stimulating and maintaining interest and understanding for the regional studies of the Saar region on a broad basis, with particular reference to family and population research, and to promoting the scientific research activities of the members”.
It brings together those interested in genealogy in Saarland and the neighboring areas.
Contact Information:
- Website:
- Facebook:
- YouTube:
- Email:
Mailing Address:
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Saarlaendische Familienkunde (ASF)
Roland Geiger (chairman)
Alsfassener Strasse 17
66606 St. Wendel
phone: 0049-6851-3166
Contact language: German, English
Local History Society
The association has the task of stimulating and maintaining interest in and understanding of the regional studies of the Saar region, with special consideration of family and population research on the broadest local history basis, and to promote the scientific research activities of its members.
Publications, meetings, lectures and exhibitions serve this purpose. The organs of the association are the association magazine and the “information service”.
The association is politically and religiously neutral.
The membership fee is:
Currently € 25 per year (as of 2017).
Membership Benefits:
This following publications are part of membershippart of membership:
- SAARLAND FAMILY STUDY (1 special issue per year)
- INFORMATION SERVICE (4 issues per year)
- Diverse family history information in our publications and on the Internet on our website
On our website, you can find information about all (also independent of the ASF) local genealogical publications that have appeared to date via the “List of Literature” link , which can be accessed via a map of the Saarland (administrative map).
- A rich genealogical literature in the regional department of the Saarbrücken City Library, Gustav-Regler-Platz 1,
- Reduced usage fee in the Saarbrücken City Library for our members.
- Support to publish your research results
- Exchange of experiences and research help at our monthly meetings with lecture program on the last Tuesday of each month (except December) from 4.30 p.m. in the library of the Saarland State Archives, Dudweilerstr. 1, 66133 Saarbrücken-Scheidt.